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Do you see a never-ending path or
                              the light through the trees?

… the answer is in your perspective.

     Authentic Change® is a Success Engineering Company. We help you build bridges that take you from where you are
     to where you want to be. We provide you the tools that assist in the excavation of the abundance in the perceived
     obstacles and distractions in your life and business We help you move from excuses to results turning the “why
into “wow”.

     Action of experience presents evidence. Without action, dreams and goals remain in a state of wishing and are
     absent of support or intended direction. Without support and direction they cannot materialize.
We provide you the support and directional tools to wedge wider your perspective, opening greater Space for opportunity in your life, sport, home and business. We help you see the light through the trees.

Our assessment and action programs specifically target an individual’s motivational “drivers”.
(What makes us do the things we do)
We provide clarity of connection, linking  potential to purpose.
A purposeful life is not only bountiful, it is intentional.

Our methodology of personal one to one coaching, group support training, books, tele-classes and on site workshops help people
W I D E N  their perspective and shift them into a genuine state of “INTENTIONALITY”

When behavior is aligned with core beliefs, (we say what we mean) and supported with “authenticity” of our actions, (we walk our talk) we are congruent, and aligned in a state clarity that transforms dreams into an evidenced based reality where goals materialize.
Authentic Change® has tailored designed programs that can optimally develop this transformation.
We offer programs for the individual, business community, professional groups, and competitive athlete.

 Self…  The Individual
 Business…  The Business Environment
 Home…  The Home Environment
 Parent…  The Parent & Family
 Sport…   The Competitive Athlete
 Communication…   Communication & Relationships
 Spirit…   The Spirit
 12 Step…  The 12 Step Member

Conversations to Clarity

Our RAP Sheet ...

Reveal your potential:

your greatness:


Watch the GENIUS movie again!

Certified Life and Success Coach

Master Practictioner NLP
NLP Techniques
to overcome fears of: 
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Public Speaking